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Environmental Action

Our goal is to educate our community about environmental initiatives and make hands-on positive change at Temple Beth Shalom and the greater community in our use of energy and natural resources.

We meet the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm. To join us or for more information, please contact Jane Evans or Mat Tuttelman at

Upcoming Events
The TBS Green Electricity Initiative

All of Temple Beth Shalom’s electricity is generated by solar panels – 39% from panels that sit on our roof and 61% from Massachusetts community solar farms.  Join TBS and other members of the congregation by purchasing all of your electricity from solar sources. 

As our TBS workshop explained, rooftop panels are a financially attractive option for some.  They are not viable for all, however.  If panels won’t work for you or provide all of your electricity, TBS has arranged for you to purchase your electricity from Massachusetts community solar farms using the same Boston-based firms from which TBS makes its purchase – and save money too.  You have two options:

There are no subscriptions fees, easy opt-out, and it takes just minutes to sign-up.  Let’s make TBS a completely solar electricity community!

Questions?  Email Jane Evans and Mat Tuttelman at

Upcoming Environmental Action Committee Workshops
Prior Environmental Action Committee Workshops

Solar panels on the Temple to help make us greener.

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