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With pride, Temple Beth Shalom is home to many interfaith couples and families. We joyfully celebrate and support all who wish to make Temple Beth Shalom their community. 

Temple Beth Shalom also shares strong relationships with the other faith communities in Needham. The members of the Needham Clergy Association are both neighbors and friends of our congregation. We support each other in our respective spiritual paths and work together in our shared pursuit of justice and healing in the world. Each year we share in a number of programs and exchanges with different houses of worship in our area. 

Interfaith relationship building is a foundational part of our TBS Tzedek (Hebrew for “Justice”) initiative. Each year, through TBS Tzedek, we are creating opportunities to encounter, partner with, and learn from those of different faith traditions.

Lastly, Temple Beth Shalom is proud to partner with Eastern University, a Christian University in Philadelphia, PA, through a special interfaith program that we pioneered together. Annually, the Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship, a cohort of 4 Temple Beth Shalom high school juniors and seniors and 4 Eastern University sophomores, join us for a full year of interfaith exploration. The two signature events of each year are a weekend visit by the Eastern fellows to TBS in the fall and a three-day visit by the TBS fellows to Eastern University in the spring. During these visits, the Chamberlain Fellows learn and experience the faith tradition of the hosts, engage in dialogue, ask questions, create friendships, socialize (of course!), and partner together in a volunteer effort to make a positive difference in the hosts’ local community. For more information about the Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship, click here.


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