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Our Building

Our TBS home inspires interaction and encounter. From the moment you walk in the front door and are warmly greeted by a member of our own community at our Welcome Desk, to your passage throughout our building, you are invited to feel at home. In our Community Court, for example, the rhythm of Jewish music can be heard throughout the day and night, new Jewish book titles ‘call out’ from the nearby shelves, comfy couches invite gatherings of friends and friends-to-be, Wifi that is open for all, hot coffee/cappuccino/hot chocolate is available for the taking, a fireplace brings added warmth, a grand piano invites players of all ages and abilities, colorful displays describe the inspirational mitzvah projects of our community’s B’nei Mitzvah, specially designed drawers are available for collecting food, clothing, and other items for those in need, and photos of community life invite us to see beyond our own experiences at TBS and discover new ‘faces’ in the life of TBS.

Rooms throughout our Temple home were created with many windows and glass walls, both so that the natural light from outside might brightly shine inside and so that the vibrant activity of all that is happening in our social halls, Beit Midrash, classrooms, offices, Family Reading Room, and conference rooms is easily seen.

Our building was created through the lens of full inclusion – with spaces that are physically and spiritually accessible for all through thoughtful space design, signage, and technology.


Our building was created through the lens of Jewish inspiration – with Jerusalem stone enwrapping the entrance of TBS, beautiful mezuzzot designed and created by TBS
members (adults and children of all ages) during an Artist-in-Residence Weekend with internationally renowned artist Gary Rosenthal. (Most doors have two mezuzzot – one higher and one lower – for easy access for all.) Our Sanctuary is set up with seating that enables us to see the faces of those who are praying with us. Our vibrantly colored Torah covers reflect our approach to Torah learning and Jewish living. Our Ner Tamid (Eternal Light) in our Beit Midrash – the original light from our previous TBS Sanctuary – reflects our appreciation of the legacy born out of our own TBS history and of those who built and developed our congregation.


Our building reflects the values of the community and enables us to come together. Throughout the year, every day of the week, all ages gather for outstanding programs, activities, services, classes, seminars, meetings, cooking programs, gardening workshops, teen lounge nights, movie nights, fireside chats, concerts, storytimes, play rehearsals, small theatrical productions, services – large, very large, and
intimate, rituals marking the most important moments in our lives, Shabbat dinners, parties, video conferences with those across town or in Israel, speaker series, and more and more.

Our Temple home inspires us to engage meaningfully with Judaism and, especially importantly, with one another. We look forward to exploring with you new ways that our space can help us live most fully and meaningfully as a Temple community.

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