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Canned Tuna & Salmon Drive

Tuna Collection is back at TBS!

Donations collected Thursday & Friday, May 13 & 14, and Sunday, May 16.

After a year of collecting monetary donations to purchase canned tuna and salmon for Family Table at JF&CS, we are going to be collecting cans again for the month of May!

Please bring your cans of tuna or salmon to TBS on Thursday and Friday, May 13 and

14. There will be a collection bin right outside the main entrance. You can also donate tuna

and salmon on Sunday, May 16 at Mayim Outdoors at Grossman!

We are unfortunately not able to collect other food items during this tuna and salmon drive. If you prefer to make a monetary donation for us to purchase tuna on your behalf, please use this link. If you have any questions, please contact Lori Shaer.


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