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Celebrate 50 Years of Women in the Rabbinate

Wednesday, May 4, 7:15 pm

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Celebrate 50 Years of Women in the Rabbinate with the FIRST female rabbi ordained in the United States - Rabbi Sally Priesand. Hear Rabbi Priesand's incredible story, what she experienced throughout her rabbinate, and how she views the Jewish future.

Rabbi Sally J. Priesand, America’s first female rabbi, was ordained in June, 1972, by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, Ohio. Upon ordination, Rabbi Priesand accepted a position at Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York City where she served for seven years, first as Assistant Rabbi and then as Associate Rabbi. From 1979-1981, she was Rabbi of Temple Beth El in Elizabeth, New Jersey and also served as Chaplain at Manhattan’s Lenox Hill Hospital. From 1981-2006, she served as Rabbi of Monmouth Reform Temple in Tinton Falls, New Jersey. In 2006, she retired, becoming Rabbi Emerita. Rabbi Priesand’s commitment to all things Jewish, to the cause of justice and peace, to equal opportunity for women, to the needs of the hungry and the homeless, and to the survival of Israel is reflected in her many organizational affiliations.


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