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Celebrate Sukkot and Simchat Torah

Sukkot Morning Services Monday, October 10th - 7:00 am - 8:00 am Please join us for a joyful and gratitude-filled Sukkot morning service. Following prayer and song, we will enjoy something sweet in our TBS sukkah. Sukkah Stroll

Monday, October 10th starting at Charles River Peninsula on Fisher Street in Needham

Come celebrate Sukkot! According to Rabbinic tradition, the flimsy sukkot huts represent the booths where the Israelites stayed during their 40 years of wandering in the desert after escaping from slavery in Egypt. We can’t get to the desert, but we will wander through Needham instead! This beautiful fall walk includes sukkah stops at three locations with snacks, music and more!

All ages and stages are welcome and walk options include very short up to two miles. Slots are geared towards adults, families with children over 6 and families with children 6 and under, but these slots are all flexible and you can choose the time that works best for you.

New Member Welcome in the Sukkah

Please join us in the Sukkah for a pre-neg before services. Spend an hour meeting other members (both new and longstanding). Join us for Shabbat services at 7:15 PM if you are able. We are looking forward to getting together in person. We hope you can make it!

For questions or more information contact Sarah Mesnik & Robyn Glazier, co-chairs, Member Relations, at

Shabbat Evening Service with a Sukkot Spirit Friday, October 14th - 7:15 pm As Sukkot is a holiday that focuses on the importance of shelter, we will welcome friends from Family Promise Metrowest - an organization dedicated to supporting those who are in housing transition - who will help us better understand the need for housing and how we may help those facing homelessness. Our Sanctuary will, once again be made beautiful with a harvest floral arrangement by our Beth Shalom Garden Club. Our oneg on this night will feature an “Etrog Extravaganza” of special sweets. And, in the spirit of Sukkot welcome, we will celebrate the newest members of our TBS community. Please join us! Etrog Extravaganza

Friday, October 14 after Shabbat services

You won’t want to miss this festive Sukkot oneg featuring “etrog” cakes, cookies and even etrog-ade. We are dedicating the entire oneg to this special Sukkot citrus fruit. Of course, since etrogs are a bit hard to come by, their cousin the lemon will be standing in. There will also be an opportunity to experience the mitzvah of shaking the etrog along with the lulav, the festival palm branch. Simchat Torah Celebration

Sunday, October 16 at 5:30 pm

Join us to celebrate Simchat Torah! We will have a brief, music-and-spirit-filled service in the sanctuary, which will also include the Consecration blessing for our newest elementary learners. Immediately following the service, we completely unroll two of our TBS Torah scrolls, and you will have a unique opportunity to help hold and view the entire unrolled Torah! Our celebration will end with sweet treats and festive dancing to music provided by the Kadima Band. Simchat Torah Morning Services Monday, October 17th - 7:00 am - 8:00 am Please join us for a beautiful morning service that will include the memorial prayers of Yizkor. Following prayer and song, we will enjoy something sweet in our TBS sukkah.


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