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Community Candle Lightings

1st Night: Thursday, December 10

Time: 6:30 pm - 6:45pm

Location: Zoom, no registration required.

Join Rabbi Jay and Emily Perlman and our amazing group of Minyan leaders as we begin Chanukah together! We will say the Chanukah blessings together and honor our Minyan leaders who have helped provide light to many members of our community during more difficult times for many. Feel free to stay with us for evening minyan (a 15-minute weekly service) or say goodnight once your candles have been lit.

2nd Night: Friday, December 11

Time: 5:30 pm - 6:00pm

Location: Zoom, no registration required

By Thursday night you will have received a special gift of Chanukah candles from TBS. We are excited to join together as a community, on zoom, to #ShareTheLight by lighting our menorahs together. We will be joined by our Rabbis and honor our Board of Trustees and all of the work they have done this year.

Following candle lighting, join us online HERE for Shabbat services at 6:15 pm.

3rd Night: Saturday, December 12 Chanukah Stories & Candle Lighting with Big Joe

Time: 6:00 pm - 6:30pm

Location: Zoom; Registration required

Click here for more information


Around the World in Eight Days: Chanukah Foods You’ve Never Heard Of

Time: 7:00-9:00 pm

Location: Zoom, Registration required

Click here for more information.

4th Night: Sunday, December 13

Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Location: Zoom, Registration Required

We will say the blessings together, and honor our Tikkun Olam lay leaders, who have provided so many opportunities to help us repair and take care of our world, both on a personal level and in our wider community. And, we take this opportunity in the middle of the holiday week to make time for fun and relaxation with a game night for adults! We will play games like Skriblio, and Heads Up. Feel free to say goodnight after we light the candles, or stay with us for a fun interactive game night. All you need to participate is a computer and Zoom. Please register here. Registration is required for each individual who will be playing; if there is more than one adult in your household participating, they will need to log into Zoom from an individual device.

5th Night: Monday, December 14

Time: 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm

Location: Zoom, no registration required.

Join with Brotherhood as we celebrate together. After we light candles and sing a few songs, we will honor Marty Goldberg, the 2020 recipient of the Marc Comras award. Feel free to stay with us for the full program or say goodnight once your candles have been lit.

6th Night: Tuesday, December 15

Community Candle Lighting

Time: 6:15-6:45 pm

Location: Zoom; no registration required.

7th Night: Wednesday, December 16

Time: 6:30 pm -7:15pm

Location: Zoom, no registration required.

Join with Sisterhood for candles and conversation. We will honor the Sisterhood Board and President Linda Mesnik for their dedicated work on behalf of the women of Temple Beth Shalom. After we light candles, feel free to stay and enjoy the company of old and new friends.

8th Night: Thursday, December 17

Time: (in person) 5:00-5:20 pm or 5:40-6:00 pm

Location: TBS Back Parking Lot. Registration required; space is limited.

Time: (online) 6:30 pm - 6:45 pm

Location: Zoom, no registration required.

As the Festival of Lights draws to a close, we gather together to share the light one final time. We have two great options:

Join us in person, at TBS. Please plan to stay in your car and enjoy music from Cantorial Soloist DJ Fortine; Rabbi Jay Perlman, Rabbi Todd Markley, and Rabbi Julie Bressler will lead the Chanukah blessings.

Once at home, join us again to light your own menorah with your TBS Community! We will join our voices on Zoom as we say the blessings for the last time this year.

Both options are open to all; you are welcome to participate with us in person, online, or both.


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