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Help Immigrants in Need!

We are the children and grandchildren of immigrants -- now, please help America's newest immigrants. These families are low-income clients of W.A.T.C.H., the Waltham Alliance for Teaching, Community Organizing and Housing.

Gloria's life was shattered by injustice. But injustice is no match for her personal strength. Gloria is a nurse who cared for AIDS patients in her native Uganda, a very homophobic country. After being evicted twice and physically threatened, she fled to the U.S. on her own.

Gloria intended to earn money in the U.S. to support her children but last year, she was severely injured by a patient. To this day, she is in tremendous pain and cannot work. She needs additional spinal surgery, but workman's compensation insurance hasn't approved it.

Just a few weeks ago, Gloria welcomed her two children, whom she hadn’t seen in four years. Without winter clothing for them, and with no income, this struggling family deserves as much as we can offer. We are asking for more financial gifts than usual, because this is their greatest need. Please help HERE as you are able!


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