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Lifting Literacy

Tzedek, Social Action, Children’s Center, K-12 Learning Programs, Inclusion Task Force, Adult Learning, Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Garden Club, Library Committee and Three Score More or Less advocate and act for literacy for all.


Join us on Sunday, March 7, 11:30 A.M. for a Zoom presentation and post discussion by Ty Allan Jackson, children’s author and TED Talk presenter, and Lisa Vergara, StoryTime Crafts founder and Needham resident.

The speakers will address:

• Why is there such a difference in childhood literacy between children in Needham and children of color in underserved communities?

• Why should it matter to every citizen to make sure there is more diversity in children’s books?

• Should we care about fostering literacy in other communities? Is it our responsibility? How can we become involved?

• What are the challenges of becoming an independent children’s book author?


Partnering with StoryTime Crafts, TBS participants will seek funds to provide books for children, preK-grade 8, who represent different ethnicities, races, and religions and who live in less privileged communities. The books will be chosen to represent diversity and comprise 3 different age groups: PreK-grade 2, grades 3-5, grades 6-8. TBS members may choose to purchase books from a “wishlist” and/or contribute directly to StoryTime Crafts, who will purchase the books.

Register here: Zoom information will be sent upon registration.

Please note that the presentation will be recorded for future access

Check out Ty’s TED Talks: and

"When you open a book and read of a character that thinks, feels, and loves the way that you do, you feel less alone. You feel more validated and confident in your identities to see a story map out your heart and soul. Kids need to feel confident in who they are from the earliest stages of development, and normalizing diversity is key to that goal." (Nikolas A., a reader)


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