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Poetry of the Aleph Bet - A Virtual Presentation by Poet/Illustrator Sharon Salinger

Sunday, May 23, 11:00 AM

TBS community and guests, please join Sharon Salinger, poet and TBS member, as she discusses her new book, "LoveLetters: Poetry of the Aleph Bet," a collection of poems and illustrations inspired by the Hebrew letters.

Sharon is a member of a distinguished literary family -- her grandfather is IJ Singer, her great uncle is Nobel Prize winner Isaac Bashevis Singer, and her parents are June and Joe Singer -- and a direct descendant of many important rabbinic lineages, which include Rashi, the Rabbanit Miriam, and the RaMa.

Sharon’s multimedia presentation will include readings of her poems and discussion of how she became a writer, the impact of growing up among writers and artists, stories about the famous Singer literary heritage, and insights into the Hebrew letters.

Borrow a donated signed copy of Sharon’s book from the TBS library; purchase at Amazon; or order a signed copy directly from Sharon by emailing the TBS Library.

This program has concluded. You can watch the recording by clicking the image below.


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