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Project EZRA: December 23

Project EZRA 2021


For the last forty years, scores of Temple Beth Shalom volunteers have given the gift of comfort and nourishment to thousands of their Needham neighbors by providing meals on Christmas Day.  Yes, circumstances will make this year different. No high energy bustling in the Temple kitchen. No more potatoes peeled, turkeys carved, meals prepared on site and packaged. No more deliciously baked dessert by TBS members. Nevertheless, by working with our partner, Needham Community Council, the essential goal of Project Ezra can be realized. We will provide the needed dinners, not on Christmas Day but on December 23. The holiday meals will be prepared by a local restaurant. Their packaging will include directions for rewarming. What we need, what I am asking for,  are volunteers to pick up the meals and deliver them to the awaiting recipient’s door. Can you help? Can you deliver some meals on December 23rd? Can you help us make this happen?

Please contact:

 Lois Sockol:, 781-864-2393

Anne Braunstein:, 781-444-4240


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