Winter Schmoozefest
We bring the food and drinks to you - no charge!
You bring the "fun."
COVID cannot stop the power of the mighty TBS Brotherhood from gathering.
Albeit, virtually.
What's a Schmoozefest? It's a chance to spend a relaxing Sunday evening in the company of other Brothers in conversation (and inane jokes). It's also a way to stay connected to your temple community during what is hopefully the last stages of the epidemic.
To sign up, please email Jon Cohan by January 14th
so we know how many we need to feed.
In your email, just type in your choices of chow, or check off "No chow thanks."
One from each row:
Drinks: Beer Wine Soda Water
Eats: Salty Snack Sweet Snack
Our TBS Brotherhood will deliver the snack
and libation of your choice at no cost to you.
Then join the Zoom call
by clicking here on Sunday, January 17, at 6:00 PM
See you then!