Caring Outreach: Chesed
Chesed (Compassionate Outreach) is a core value of the TBS community. We are here for our members’ joys and challenges.
TBS Chesed is our service group that responds to members’ life events – along with the outreach provided by staff and clergy. We respond with kindness, support, and a strong sense of community. Here are some of the caring services provided by many hands and many hearts – our wonderful Chesed volunteers.
If you are interested in learning more about getting involved with Chesed or are in need of support of any kind, please reach out to us.

Mazel Tov!
Celebrating Joyful Times
We are thrilled to express a heartfelt “Mazel Tov!” to those in our community experiencing a simcha (joyful occasion). We share special gifts when a baby is born with parents (and grandparents), when children become B. Mitzvah, and when a couple is engaged to be married.
Chesed Youth Engagement
Our TBS Chesed Youth Engagement Program links our broader Chesed outreach to our children’s programs. This connection is made with children in our Children’s Center, Mayim (K-4th grade), Shorashim (5-7th grade) and Etzim (8th-12th grade), and fosters generations-helping-generations support throughout the TBS community.
Knitting a Wrap, Blanket, or Hat
Our TBS Knitting Mavens create caring wraps and lap blankets for those in our community who are recovering from surgery or serious illness. This is a meaningful reminder of how much the TBS community cares. They also hand knit beautiful baby blankets for newborn children and grandchildren, and hats for Israeli soldiers that are delivered in person by TBS members during our community’s biannual trip to Israel.
The Knitting Mavens gather socially several times a year to knit, share, and schmooze.
Comforting Those Who Have Lost a Loved One
You may help by volunteering to either prepare or purchase a meal and then delivering it to the person or family who has experienced a loss. Each year during the High Holy Days, we deliver a care package that includes a jar of honey to all TBS community members and families who have lost a loved one in the past year. Volunteers are needed for this meaningful sharing of comfort.
Bikkur Cholim: Supporting Those Who Are Ill
You may help by volunteering to either prepare or purchase a meal and then delivering it to those experiencing illness or recovering from an illness.
Clergy Care & Counsel
Our clergy visit us when we are in need, support our families, offer prayers and hands to hold, and are always available to provide helpful counsel and guidance.