Lay-Led Evening Minyan (online)
Members of our community gather virtually for a warm and inclusive lay-led service. These services take place even if there are fewer than ten participants, last about 20-30 minutes, and […]
Members of our community gather virtually for a warm and inclusive lay-led service. These services take place even if there are fewer than ten participants, last about 20-30 minutes, and […]
Come learn to play Canasta with Sisterhood. We will be offering a three part series to learn to play. It's best if you can make it to all three dates […]
Jewish tradition teaches that the three major pillars of Judaism are God, Torah, and Israel. While Jews understand and connect to each of these principles differently, they nonetheless encompass that […]
Members of our community gather virtually for a warm and inclusive lay-led service. These services take place even if there are fewer than ten participants, last about 20-30 minutes, and […]
Join us for a meaningful and joyous Sisterhood Tu B'Shevat Seder as we celebrate the New Year of the Trees! Together, snack on delicious treats and celebrate all that trees […]
Members of our community gather virtually for a warm and inclusive lay-led service. These services take place even if there are fewer than ten participants, last about 20-30 minutes, and […]
The monthly Yiddish Short Story Discussion Group, led by Michele Marram, will be discussing Revelation, or the Story of the Billy Goat by I.L. Peretz. Click the story title to […]
Step into fall with strength, balance and alignment through the practice of yoga. Join experienced yoga teacher Stephanie Javaheri for a weekly mindful yoga ‘work in’ to cultivate awareness physically […]
Contact: Ellen Dietrick
If you are a TBS member who would like to join us virtually, please check your Shabbat Shalom email for the link.
Join in virtually, or join us in person in the Beit Midrash! Please refer to your Shabbat Shalom email for the Zoom information.