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Not All Wars Are the Same


In Jewish thought, there is a profound distinction between a מלחמת רשות Milchemet Rishut, a permitted war, and a מלחמת מצוה Milchemet Mitzvah, a necessary war. Embedded in this distinction are the ethics that infuse a document that animates the spirit of Israel's military, רוח צה״ל Ruach Tzahal. We will study that document and consider […]

Israel – The Generational Divide: A Course for Parents Struggling to Understand Their Children’s Perspectives on Israel

Carmen Hall

Register: The crisis in Israel has caused divides within and beyond the Jewish community. We have heard so many stories of families at odds with each other over Israel, family members who are unable or unwilling to communicate with each other. This course is specifically for parents who are wrestling with their college-age children’s […]

Orly Erez-Likhovski, Executive Director of the Israel Religious Action Center


The Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) is the Israeli Reform Movement’s most senior organizing body working to promote equality, democracy, civil rights, and pluralism throughout Israel. With the rise of right-wing political power in Israel, the Reform Movement has been on the front lines to protect vulnerable populations, to fight against discrimination, and to ensure […]

Event Series Lay-Led Morning Minyan

Lay-Led Morning Minyan

Members of our community gather virtually for a warm and inclusive lay-led service.  These services take place even if there are fewer than ten participants, last about 20-30 minutes, and are a meaningful way to start your day. Please join us in person; we are no longer meeting virtually.

Rabbi Jonah Pesner, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism


Rabbi Jonah Pesner, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Thursday, March 27, 7:00 pm, TBS Register: Temple Beth Shalom is delighted to welcome Rabbi Jonah Pesner, director of the Religious Action Center (the RAC) of Reform Judaism, for an evening of conversation about the current state of democracy in the United […]

TBS Family Camp

Enjoy a weekend away with other TBS families, including Shabbat, outdoor fun, family activities, s'mores, and singing around the campfire. We are headed to URJ Eisner Camp, located about two hours away in Great Barrington, MA. Our program begins with Shabbat dinner on Friday night and ends Sunday morning. Family Camp is designed for families […]

Event Series Pre-Shabbat Yoga

Pre-Shabbat Yoga

Step into fall with strength, balance and alignment through the practice of yoga. Join experienced yoga teacher Stephanie Javaheri for a weekly mindful yoga ‘work in’ to cultivate awareness physically and mentally. Feel better in your body and your mind. Slow physical movement, breathwork and meditation blend together in this 1-hour class. Drop in at […]

Event Series Bag Lunches

Bag Lunches and Breakfast Items for Homeless Shelters

Parking Lot (Front)

We are back for our 5th year of this popular and impactful mitzvah project! Please join TBS Social Action as we donate bag lunches and breakfast foods to homeless shelters, in the Father Bill's network, in the Brockton area! Volunteers are invited to sign-up to assemble 10 bag lunches, cases of waters, condiments, juice boxes, […]

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