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Event Series Pre-Shabbat Yoga

Pre-Shabbat Yoga

Step into fall with strength, balance and alignment through the practice of yoga. Join experienced yoga teacher Stephanie Javaheri for a weekly mindful yoga ‘work in’ to cultivate awareness physically […]

Event Series Open Play Lab

Open Play Lab

It's cold outside, and we'll have a warm and welcoming place to learn with your child with several sensory stations to explore! Playdough, a rice or water table and craft. […]

Parasha Day

Simon Hall

For parents and children in 6th grade. Check your email for the registration link, or email Sarah Damelin with any questions.

Event Series Lay-Led Morning Minyan

Lay-Led Morning Minyan

Members of our community gather virtually for a warm and inclusive lay-led service.  These services take place even if there are fewer than ten participants, last about 20-30 minutes, and are a meaningful way to start your day. Please join us in person; we are no longer meeting virtually.

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