Jam Baby
Join in the fun with your child: Sing songs! Play instruments! Dance around and JAM! The first years are critical in a child's musical development. JamBaby classes provide a fun atmosphere while promoting musical learning, socialization, and the most exciting introduction to the wonder and joy of music. Taught by the amazing musician of Jammin' With […]
Mayim Tamid Curriculum Night
Beit MidrashCheck your Shavua Tov email for more information.
Lay-Led Evening Minyan (online)
Members of our community gather virtually for a warm and inclusive lay-led service. These services take place even if there are fewer than ten participants, last about 20-30 minutes, and are a meaningful way to end your day. Join us on Zoom here.
Lay-Led Evening Minyan (online)
Members of our community gather virtually for a warm and inclusive lay-led service. These services take place even if there are fewer than ten participants, last about 20-30 minutes, and are a meaningful way to end your day. Join us on Zoom here.
Lay-Led Morning Minyan
Members of our community gather virtually for a warm and inclusive lay-led service. These services take place even if there are fewer than ten participants, last about 20-30 minutes, and are a meaningful way to start your day. Please join us in person; we are no longer meeting virtually.
Little Learners
Come be a part of our vibrant community as we sing, play, and discover the joy of learning together! This engaging and interactive session blends music, stories, and sensory play to create a nurturing environment where little ones can explore, learn, and grow. Register here.
Pre-Shabbat Yoga
Step into fall with strength, balance and alignment through the practice of yoga. Join experienced yoga teacher Stephanie Javaheri for a weekly mindful yoga ‘work in’ to cultivate awareness physically and mentally. Feel better in your body and your mind. Slow physical movement, breathwork and meditation blend together in this 1-hour class. Drop in at […]
Shorashim 6th Grade Shabbat Dinner
Simon HallCheck your Shavua Tov email for the registration form.
Erev Shabbat Service
If you are a TBS member who would like to join us virtually, please check your Shabbat Shalom email for the link.