Welcome to Temple Beth Shalom!
There are many words that are regularly used to describe our congregation: warm, creative, dynamic, inspiring, and community-focused. Yet for those who are already a member of Temple Beth Shalom, the most important word used to describe our congregation is home.
The TBS community continually strives to make the beauty and spiritual insight of Jewish tradition come alive for all of our members. Our learning programs for adults and children are engaging, diverse, and relevant.
The spirit of our services invites us to pray, sing, reflect, and celebrate. Our dedication to compassionate outreach to those in need and to Tikkun Olam – repairing our world – enables us to most fully live our Jewish values and to pass them on from one generation to the next. We embrace each individual and family as, together, we walk life’s path in the spirit of personal growth, exploration, and discovery. And most importantly, being part of the TBS community means being part of a circle of friends, neighbors, clergy, educators, and professional staff who are here for one another, always.
We look forward to getting to know you and to helping you better get to know our community.
Warmly and with Shalom,
Rabbi Jay Perlman
Rabbi Todd Markley
Rabbi Elyse Pincus Abrahams
Cantor DJ Fortine
Loren Shapiro, TBS President
Joelle Schatz, Senior Director of Operations and Engagement
Ellen Dietrick, Senior Director of Learning and Engagement, Children’s Center & Early Childhood
Rachel Happel, Senior Director of Learning and Engagement, K-12 Learning
Our Community
About Us
- Caring outreach that brings support and strength in times of need
- Opportunities to create lasting friendships
- Numerous active TBS affinity groups for all ages and interests
- Opportunities for leadership
- Partnerships with the wider Needham community and beyond
Spiritual Connection
- Joyful and meaningful Shabbat and holiday services for all ages
- Moving weekday morning and evening minyan services
- Weekly yoga and regular meditation opportunities
- Regular Shabbat hikes and weekend retreats
- Pastoral care and spiritual guidance from dedicated clergy
- Community-wide Shabbat evening dinners
- Holiday celebrations for all ages filled with joy and meaning
- Milestone celebrations including baby namings, brit milah, B. Mitzvah, weddings, and more
- Blessings for special anniversaries, pre-wedding, and other meaningful life moments
- Jewish learning milestone celebrations for children and their families
- Opportunities to become an Adult B. Mitzvah
Lifelong Learning & Jewish Culture
- Adult learning programs, series, seminars, and travel opportunities
- Visits from outstanding scholars, teachers, and presenters
- Concerts and musical performances by musicians, artists, acapella groups, and choirs
- Vibrant weekly Shabbat morning Torah Study opportunities
- Outstanding Children’s Center program and community for families with young children
- Nationally recognized Kindergarten through 12th Grade learning program and community for families
Israel & Outreach Beyond Our TBS Community
- Programs and activities that help foster a strong relationship with Israel
- Social Justice opportunities for all ages inviting advocacy and action
- Social Action opportunities for all ages that provide support for those beyond our TBS community
- Ongoing engagement to combat hate in all forms, including antisemitism
Membership Commitments
Annual Membership Commitment payments, combined with TBS program tuition and philanthropic giving, enable us to thrive as a community. Our extensive array of programs, services, and special events are offered either at no charge or are significantly subsidized for our members.
Being part of a community that fosters mutual care, personal growth, and the betterment of our world is priceless. Our Annual Membership Commitment amounts are set by our volunteer lay leadership based on the cost of engaging clergy and staff, programmatic excellence, and remaining an active, vibrant community.
A core value of Temple Beth Shalom is that financial position should never be an obstacle to being a member of the TBS community. We are proud to have a sensitively administered Financial Assistance Program. Should you wish to learn more at any time, please contact us.
For more information about membership commitments or to schedule a conversation and visit, contact us at