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Mission & Vision

Temple Beth Shalom is a community that is inspired by the richness of Jewish tradition. Together, we foster friendship; grow through our encounters with Jewish wisdom, culture, and spirituality; foster a culture of responsibility; and experience the joy and strength that come from sharing our lives with others. Ours is a fully inclusive and diverse community. We enthusiastically welcome those who come from different backgrounds, beliefs, and abilities. At TBS, there is a place for everyone. We share our stories with, learn from, celebrate with, and support one another – recognizing that in a true community we walk life’s path together.

people holding the torah for morning Shabbat services


Temple Beth Shalom is a warm, vibrant and diverse community of individuals and families. We unite in a dynamic, ongoing relationship by a desire to embrace the values, traditions and teachings of Torah through the lens of Reform Judaism.

Through worship, celebration, lifelong learning and service to others, we seek to inspire spirituality, nurture personal growth, promote social justice, deepen Jewish experiences and enrich the life of each member.

We work in partnership with our neighbors to foster a stronger Greater Boston community, particularly in our home of Needham. At the same time, we endeavor to sustain Israel and the Jewish people throughout the world.

We are bound together by covenant and strive to be a community of blessing.


Temple Beth Shalom is a Reform congregation where life is inspired by the values of Torah. We feel a deep sense of belonging to our congregation and commitment to one another. 

We see ourselves as partners – working closely to create a strong Jewish community for ourselves and for our children. 

We share our individual skills, talents, stories, and dreams to help make our congregation engaging and meaningful for all. 

We are nourished by the relationships that we share, and over time, members of all ages deepen their connection with our community and with Judaism.

At Temple Beth Shalom...

We are a community of learners...

We grow in knowledge and deepen our understanding of the traditions and wisdom of Judaism at every age and from every background.

We are a community of prayer and celebration...

We gather to experience the joy and spirit of our people’s liturgy, poetry and music.

We are a community of chesed...

We care deeply about one another, rejoicing in each other’s simchas and reaching out to support one another in times of need. Practicing chesed helps to nurture belonging, resilience, and shleimut – wholeness in our lives.

We are a community of action...

We engage in acts of Tikkun Olam – healing our world – and pursue Tzedek – righteousness and justice – through social action and political activism. We do this individually, as friends, and as families – affirming our responsibility to make a positive difference for others, for ourselves, and for our planet.

We are a community that supports Israel...

We foster a meaningful relationship with Israel, the eternal and sacred home of the Jewish people.

We seek a relationship with God that is personal. Living in the tradition of being Yisrael –“one who wrestles with God” – we cherish our diversity of belief and Jewish expression. Each of us thoughtfully searches for understanding, guidance, and inspiration from the teachings and many voices of our tradition.

We are a welcoming and inclusive congregation – blessed to share in the life of a community that is diverse by age, family make-up, religious background, ethnicity, gender identity and sexual orientation. We see each other as having been created B’tzelem Elohim – in the image of God – with a spark of the sacred in each of us. We strive to make membership in our congregation and education for our children accessible. We recognize and celebrate our commonalities, while honoring and cherishing our differences.

We support all of these ideals by engaging and nurturing the best possible leadership for our community – clergy, professional and support staff, educators, and lay leaders. Our leadership blends organizational innovation with the inspirational values of our tradition. So too are we committed to maintaining and building a Temple home that warmly and comfortably houses the myriad souls who inhabit our sacred space throughout the year. Ours is a covenantal partnership dedicated to creating a Kehillah Kedoshah – a holy and radiant Temple Beth Shalom community.

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