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Communications Submission Form

This form is for submissions to most of the TBS communication vehicles including the Scroll, TBS This Week, TBS Website, TBS Facebook Page, and/or Temple Video Monitors.  Please select all that are appropriate.  Although not required, Event and Save the Date submissions should include photos if possible.  If you have any special instructions for the individuals who produce the various communications vehicles, please use the Special Instructions field at the bottom of the form.  

NOTE: We will do our best to include your submission if it is received by its deadline.  However, some of the communications vehicles have space limitations that may prevent your submission from being published.

If you do not know the reference number, enter 99999999.

Article Idea Submission
You can continue with this form, but it might be easier to send an email to
Advertising Submission
You can continue with this form, but it might be easier to send an email to

TBS This Week Deadline
Submissions are due before noon on Monday for that week's issue.  Events will run for up to 3 weeks prior to the event date.
Scroll Deadline
Scroll not published in July and August.  Submissions are due before the 15th of the month two months prior to the month of issue. (e.g., The September issue deadline is July 15, the June issue deadline is April 15.) 
TBS Website
An image with a ratio of 3 wide x 2 high is required; you can click here to crop the image.
Temple Video Display
16x9 image should be prepared as a 1920 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high image.
It may be saved in JPEG, JPG, or PNG format, and should use minimum (best quality) compression.

For instructions to create a JPEG or JPG for the Temple Video Display, click 
here to download. 
For a
PowerPoint template for the Temple Video Display, click here to download.

The title of the submission

The Name of the B. Mitzvah child.

Event Preface
You are about to enter certain specifics that could apply to all events.  Please do not include the Date Information or Registration Details in your descriptive text about the event.  We will publish the Date Information and Registration Details in a standardized format.  Although not required, submissions should include photos if possible.
Date Information

Use Other for complex Frequency.

For Help enter "HELP"
Other Frequency Help
  • If the event has multiple dates, you can enter comma separated dates (i.e. 01/15, 01/22, 02/05)
  • You can list up to 50 specific dates
  • You can specify up to 7 paired word comma separated descriptions (i.e. First Friday, Last Tuesday)
  • The first word must be selected from "First, Last, Every or 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th"
  • The second word must be selected from the names of the days of the week, Day, Weekday
  • If the event occurs the first Monday each month, you can specify First Monday or 1st Monday
  • If  the event occurs the last Wednesday of each month, you can specify Last Wednesday
  • You can mix special dates and descriptions (e.g. First Weekday, Last Day, Second Tuesday, 11/25)
If we have questions, we will contact you.
Registration Details

Please indicate amount without dollar sign or leave blank

The URL we should publish with the submission

The Temple group(s) sponsoring this submission

Could include an outside organization such as: Israeli American Council (IAC), League of Women Voters of Needham, Needham Garden Club, Quinobequin Quilters, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC-MA), Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ)

The contact name we should publish with the submission; if multiple names, please separate with commas.

The contact email address we should publish with the submission; if multiple addresses, please separate with commas.
Event Description Preface
Please enter descriptive information about your event excluding any of the Date Information or Registration Details entered above.  If you requested multiple publications, you can specify different descriptive information for each size category.  The categories are arranged from smallest to largest word limit.  If you leave a field blank, we will use the next smallest text entered.

Limit 100 words

Limit 150 words

Limit 300 words

The bio for the B. Mitzvah. For example: "(Name of Child) is a big fan of the Boston Red Sox and loves to play the piano."

Describe the Mitzvah Project using the following sentence format: "(Name of Child) raised funds by holding a bake sale in order to purchase books for schools in needy communities"

B. Mitzvah's public or private school that is attended every school day.
Please submit images that contain at least 150KB for every square inch you expect to be displayed.
When selecting a photo, please send us a picture with your child’s face and shoulders in focus. The file should be between 1MB and 3MB. We will edit the photo so that it features your child’s face and shoulders (as in a yearbook photo). Thank you!
Photos in Scroll are printed at 300 dpi, the TBS website has similar resolution requirements. Please submit images that contain at least 150KB for every square inch you expect to be displayed. A file of about 1MB should be sufficient.

If after hitting submit you realize you have made a mistake, or there are changes, please submit this form again.

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