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MAST Presents: Fighting Antisemitism Online


Elder will discuss his book, Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism. Elder joins us to discuss his book and examines the modern antisemitic ideas that the Jewish lobby controls the American government, Israel ethnically cleanses non-Jews from Israel, Zionism is racism, Israel violates international law in myriad ways, and Jews use the Holocaust to justify their own […]

Diaper Drive supporting Beantown Baby Diaper Bank

Parking Lot (Front)

Join Social Action in supporting Beantown Baby Diaper Bank's efforts to ensure Massachusetts families can keep their babies healthy, clean, and dry. ⅓ of families with young children in Massachusetts […]

Erev Purim Megillah Celebration


Come and share in the joy of Purim with a wonderful Purim evening service and abbreviated Megillah reading. Bring your grogger and hamantaschen appetite!

Event Series Pre-Shabbat Yoga

Pre-Shabbat Yoga

Step into fall with strength, balance and alignment through the practice of yoga. Join experienced yoga teacher Stephanie Javaheri for a weekly mindful yoga ‘work in’ to cultivate awareness physically […]

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